Getting Started with ActiveLearn

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ActiveLearn trials are only available for UK schools and colleges, so you will need to be a teacher or other member of staff to proceed.

Getting into ActiveLearn

Most people have ActiveLearn accounts created for them by a member of their school's staff (teacher or administrator) and can simply log in.

You should only need to register for ActiveLearn if:

  • You are a teacher or administrator in a school or college, and you have bought an ActiveLearn product;

  • You are a teacher who has been sent your school's Institution code and asked to register yourself;

  • You are a student, parent or teacher who has bought your first ActiveLearn product independently.

If you already have an ActiveLearn account, you do not need to register again. You can redeem your access code on the Library page.

Registering with a code

If you have purchased an ActiveLearn subscription or ActiveBook license, you will receive a Get Started email. This email will include either an institution code or an access code, which you can use to register a new account on ActiveLearn.

  • You may also get an email asking you to accept our Terms and Conditions, and you will need to complete this step to receive your code.

  • School subscriptions generally provide institution codes (6-8 digits long), which you use to register a teaching account with your school on ActiveLearn. These codes are not useful for students.

  • Students, private tutors, and independent learners will have an access code, typically 25 digits long, which is used for registering a standalone account or adding a product to an existing account.

To register:

Go to ActiveLearn's register page.


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Enter your institution or access code, and click Activate.

ActiveLearn will check your code to see if it is valid.

ActiveLearn screenshot

Fill in your name, desired username, email address, and desired password.

Your password cannot contain your name or username, must be at least eight characters long, and should include at least one uppercase letter, a number, and a special character.

ActiveLearn screenshot

Teachers: Access to student details

If you are registering using an institution code, then after filling in your personal information, you have the opportunity to request access to student details from another, previously registered teacher in your school. This is a safeguard to ensure only trusted, genuine teachers are able to work with their school's subscriptions and accounts.

  • You will be able to use various teaching tools and resources without this approval but will be unable to manage student or teacher accounts for your school.

The Request access to student details button will show a list of teachers in your school who are already cleared to access student data. Choose a teacher from this list, and they will get a notification to verify your status.

To complete your registration, review and accept the End-user licence agreement, then click Register


Are you a student?

This article is written for teachers. If you are a student or independent learner, find out how you can use the Library and other parts of ActiveLearn.

Using ActiveLearn for Teaching

Now that you have an account on ActiveLearn, get to know the tools available to you.

Next Steps...

Registering Your Students

Once you are familiar with the different parts of ActiveLearn, you may need to create accounts for your students.

While students can register independently using access codes included with physical textbooks, they will need an account created by a teacher to access school subscription resources, such as books and online homework.

To set up your students with school ActiveLearn accounts, you need to upload some basic information about them, either individually or in bulk using a spreadsheet. Learn more.

Organising your students

Organising your students and teachers into groups is an essential step for using tasks and markbooks.

  • A group can be any collection of students, from a single class to an entire year set, or whatever makes sense for you!

  • Students and teachers can be included in multiple groups at once.

  • When a student is added to a group, their assessment scores can be tracked using online markbooks. They can also easily be given access to products and assigned homework tasks.

  • When a teacher is added to a group, they can use it to easily work with their students across ActiveLearn's various online features.

Giving your students access to products

Once you have registered your students and organised them into groups, the last step is to allocate subscription resources to them. This can be done from the Allocate Products section in the Admin area. Once you have allocated products to your students, they can start using their ActiveLearn courses!